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Hughes Wins Student Paper Award
March 25, 2016
Joel Thomas Hughes, PhD student in Professor Ed Blandford's group, has been awarded a $500 travel scholarship to present his paper "On the Question of Decay Heat Removal System Redundancy for Fluoride Salt-cooled High-temperature Reactors (FHR)" at the 2016 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, "Nuclear Innovations: Inventing the Future for Existing and New Nuclear Power" April 17-20, 2016 in San Francisco.
The International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP) is an annual event, cosponsored by ANS, AESJ, KNS and SFEN and a number of major international nuclear societies. Since its inception in 2002, ICAPP has been held as an international embedded topical meeting during the Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society. ICAPP is held in Europe and Asia during the years that it is not held in the United States.
ICAPP provides a forum for leaders of the nuclear industry to exchange information, present results from their work, review the state of the industry, and discuss future directions and needs for the deployment of new nuclear power plant systems around the world.
Topics from design, deployment and construction of plants, to research and development of future designs and advanced systems will be highlighted at this exciting event.
This conference is an annual international event and is expected to attract over 300 specialists from the U.S. and abroad. There will be more than 250 scientific/technical presentations in plenary and parallel sessions with additional panel and discussion session bringing together the business in scientific/technical interests of participants and exhibitors.
The purpose of the Student Program is to encourage the active participation of students in ICAPP 2016 by submitting high quality technical papers on the various aspects of the advances in nuclear power plants.
Students participating in this program will be expected to make a presentation during a technical session, as well as to design a poster summarizing their work to be exhibited and discussed during a poster session. To qualify for the program, the student must be the first author of a paper, which has been accepted to one of the technical tracks.
This program seeks to promote the interaction of students with experienced nuclear professionals and to help them establish mentoring and networking links in their area of interest.