Robert D.Busch

Principal Lecturer Emeritus
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Undergraduate Advisor
Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D. University of New Mexico, Nuclear Engineering, 1976
M.S. University of New Mexico, Nuclear Engineering, 1972
B.S. Harvey Mudd College, Physics, 1971
In charge of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory and the Chief reactor Supervisor for the UNM AGN-201M nuclear reactor. He teaches 3 to 5 courses each semester, is the undergraduate Nuclear Engineering advisor, and serves on the UNM Teaching Enhancement Committee. He is the Director of the Nuclear Criticality Safety Courses held each summer in Albuquerque, and also teaches similar courses in the United Kingdom every other year. Bob started teaching for the Department as a Visiting Assistant Professor in 1976 and continued in that capacity until 1978. From 1978 through 1985 he was a consulting engineering doing work in energy engineering and software design. During that time he was co-author of two books on Energy Responsive Design and modeling Building Energy Use. He returned to teaching at UNM in 1985. In 2001, Dr. Busch received the American Nuclear Society Nuclear Criticality Safety Division’s Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his 15 years of service to the criticality safety community. Recipient of the UNM Outstanding Lecturer Award in 2004. Dr. Busch is a licensed professional engineer and an Emeritus Trustee of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History (formerly the National Atomic Museum).
Professional Experience
- 1988 - Present: Lecturer III, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 2000 - Present: Director, Double Contingency & Criticality Safety Eval Workshop, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1994 - Present: Director, Managers Workshop in Nuclear Criticality Safety, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1989 - Present: Director, Nuclear Criticality Safety Short Course, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1985- 88: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1976- 77: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Ongoing Research Support:
- US Nuclear Regulatroy Commission • 10/07-02/09
Creation of Critical Mass curves and TSUNAMI data base organizatio
Selected Publications:
- Barber, A.M. and R.D. Busch, "Variation of Extrapolation Distance with U-235 Concentration," in Transactions of 2008 Winter Meeting of American Nuclear Society, Reno, NV, November 9-13, 2008.
- Bowen, D.G. and R.D. Busch, "Hand Calculational Methods for Criticality Safety - A Primer," LA-14244-M, LANL, November 2006.
- Saavedra, S.F., and R.D. Busch, "Critical Mass of U-235 Systems with Varied Moderators and Reflector Materials," in Transactions of 2006 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Albuquerque, NM November 12-16, 2006.
- R.D. Busch, et al., "Tutorial on the Proposed ANSI/ANS 8.24 Standard: Validation of Neutron Transport Methods for Nuclear Criticality Safety Calculations," in Transactions of 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Reno, NV June 4-8, 2006.
- R.D. Busch, and S.M. Bowman, "KENO V.a Primer: A Primer for Criticality Calculations with SCALE/KENO V.a Using GeeWiz," ORNL/TM-2005/135, ORNL, December 2005.
- Cox, J.W., and R.D. Busch, "A Guide For The Application Of MCNP In The Analysis Of Complex Nuclear Reactors And Other Critical Assemblies," Topical Meeting on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Knoxville, TN, September 2005.
- Bowen, D.G., and R.D. Busch, "Hand Calculational Methods for Criticality Safety - A Primer," Topical Meeting on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Knoxville, TN, September 2005.
- Kauffman, D., R.D. Busch, A.K. Datye, and T.L. Ward, "The Minimum Core for Chemical Engineering: How Much Bathwater Can We Throw Out?", Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 2005.
Teaching Interests
- Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
- Computational Methods in Nuclear Engineering
- Radiation Protection and Interaction of Radiation with Matter
Research Interests
- Nuclear Criticality Safety
- Training Engineers in the use of Computational Methods
- Reactor Physics Parameters