Hyoung K. Lee
Phone: (505) 277-0686
Physical Address
Farris Engineering Center
Mailing Address
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Department of Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1995
M.S. Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1988
B.S. Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1986
Dr. Hyoung “Hank” Lee is a Professor and Chair in the Department of New Mexico at the University of New Mexico. Before his appointment at UNM, he was a faculty member in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Catholic University of Korea from 1995 to 2009 and in the Nuclear Engineering Program at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) from 2009 to 2020. He also chaired the NE Program at Missouri S&T from 2013 to 2019.
Dr. Lee has more than twenty-five years of research experience covering a broad spectrum of topics in radiation detection, nuclear imaging, and medical physics. He has attracted numerous research grants and contracts amounting to ~$32 million and has provided new methods and solutions in nuclear imaging beyond traditional technologies. He has published 116 peer-reviewed journal papers, 41 conference proceedings, edited a book chapter, and registered 11 patents. He was awarded the Minister’s Citation from the Government of South Korea in 2009 and the Young Faculty Award from DARPA in 2012. He is a Senior Member of SPIE and IEEE and a member of ANS and AAPM. Also, he was the Chair of Isotopes and Radiation Division of ANS from 2016 to 2017.
Dr. Lee received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Nuclear Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea in 1986 and 1988, respectively. He received Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 1995.
Selected Publications
- A. Avachat, W. Tucker, C. Castano, D. Pommerenke, and H. K. Lee, “Looking Inside a Prototype Compact X-ray Tube Comprising CNT-Based Cold Cathode and Transmission-Type Anode,” Radiation Research, 193, pp.497-504, 2020. (Impact Factor = 2.539)
- K. Paaren, S. Kilby and H. K. Lee, “Active Interrogation of Special Nuclear Material Containers using Quasi-Forward Biased AmBe Source and PGNAA,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol 160, 109107, 2020. (Impact Factor = 1.128)
- S. Galib, H. K. Lee, C L. Guy, M. J. Riblett, and G. D. Hugo, “A Fast and Scalable Method for Quality Assurance of Deformable Image Registration on Lung CT Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” Med. Phys., 47(1), pp. 99-109, 2020. (Impact Factor = 3.177)
- S. N. Lekakh, H. K. Lee, J. D. Schiffbauer, T. Selly, W. Tucker, and X. Zhang, “3D Characterization of Structure and Micro-porosity in Two Cast Irons with Spherical Graphite,” Materials Characterization, Vol 158, 109991, 2019. (Impact Factor = 3.220)
- S. Kilby, Z. Jin, A. Avachat, B. Kanies, N. Woolstenhulme, H. K. Lee, and J. Graham, “A Source Biasing and Variance Reduction Technique for Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Modeling of Emission Tomography Problems,” J. Radioanal. Nucl. Ch., 320(1), pp.37, 2019. (Impact Factor = 1.282)
- K. Paaren and H. K. Lee, “Simulation Study of Alpha-Neutron Reactions from AmBe Directional Source using MCNP 6.1.1 with TENDL 2012, 2014, and 2017 libraries,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 146, pp.104-114, 2019. (Impact Factor = 1.128)
- A. Avachat, W. Tucker, C. Castano, and H. K. Lee, “Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Electron Focusing for a Compact X-Ray Tube Comprising CNT-Based Electron Source and Transmission Type Anode,” IEEE. Trans. Electron Devices, 66 (3), pp.1525-1532, 2019. (Impact Factor = 2.605)
- A. Bingham and H. K. Lee, “The Viability of ADVANTG Deterministic Method for Synthetic Radiography Generation,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 222, pp.5-10, 2018. (Impact Factor = 3.936)
- X. Liu and H. K. Lee, “A Simulation Study of the Spent Nuclear Fuel Cask Condition Evaluation Using High Energy X-Ray Computed Tomography,” NDT & E International, 80, pp.58-64, 2016. (Impact Factor = 2.726)
- M. I. Abir, F. F. Islam, A. Craft, W. J. Williams, D. M. Wachs, D. L. Chichester, M. K. Meyer, and H. K. Lee, “Determination of Optimal Imaging Parameters for the Reconstruction of a Nuclear Fuel Assembly Using Limited Angle Neutron Tomography,” Journal of Instrumentation, 11(01), C01016, 2016. (Impact Factor = 1.220)
Teaching Interests
- Radiation Detection and Measurement
- Nuclear Imaging
- Medical Physics
Research Interests
- Design, simulation, and building of nuclear imaging systems using x-ray, gamma ray, neutron or a combination of them
- Applications of nuclear imaging in medicine, nuclear energy, nuclear safeguards, homeland security, and nondestructive characterization
- Developing radiation sources for nuclear imaging
- Machine learning for gamma spectroscopy and nuclear imaging
- Digital image processing including image enhancement, analysis, and computed tomography (CT) reconstruction