Cassiano Endres de Oliveira
Phone: (505) 277-5661
Fax: (505) 277-5434
Physical Address
Farris Engineering Center
Mailing Address
01 1120
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Department of Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D. Queen Mary College, Univeristy of London, Nuclear Engineering, 1987
M.Sc. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Nuclear Engineering, 1980
B.Sc. Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Physics, 1976
Dr de Oliveira’s research activities have focused on the development of generic numerical technologies to enable the simulation of realistic physical phenomena in a wide range of engineering science disciplines including nuclear radiation transport and thermofluid flow. Application to real life problems continues to serve as the main driver for the research, with emphasis now on multiphysics coupling and the solution of uncertainty quantification, optimization and inverse problems. The aim is to produce high-grade, modeling tools for the solution of physically complex environmental and engineering problems, with a strong emphasis on inter-disciplinary activities.
Professional Experience
- 2007- Present: Professor, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 2003- 2007: Professor, George Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.
- 1999- 2003: Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Science and Engineering • Imperial College, London, UK.
- 1996- 1999: Senior Research Fellow, T H Huxley School • Imperial College, London, UK.
- 2000- 1996: Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering • Imperial College, London, UK.
- 1988- 1989: Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering • Queen Mary College, London, UK.
- 1979- 1987: Research Scientist, Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear, Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Selected Publications:
- H. K. Park and C. R. E. de Oliveira, Coupled Space-Angle Adaptivity for Radiation Transport Calculations, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 161, 1 (2009).
- W. F. Sacco, H. A. Filho, N. Henderson and C. R. E. de Oliveira, A Metropolis Algorithm Combined with Nelder-Mead Simplex Applied to Nuclear Core Design, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 35, 861 (2008)
- C. C. Pain, M. D. Eaton, R. D. Smedley-Stevenson, A. J. H. Goddard, and C. R. E. de Oliveira, Spacetime Streamline Upwind PetrovGalerkin Methods for the Boltzmann Transport Equation, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech., 195, 4334 (2006).
- C. C. Pain, M. Piggott, A. J. H. Goddard, F. Fang, G. Gorman, D. Marshall, M. D. Eaton, M. D., P. Power and C. R. E. de Oliveira, Three-dimensional unstructured mesh ocean modeling, Ocean Modelling, 10, 5 (2005).
- N. S. Trasi, C. R. E. de Oliveira and J. D. Haigh, A Finite Element- Spherical Harmonics Model for Radiative Transfer in Inhomogeneous Clouds. Part I: the EVENT model, Atmospheric Research, 72, 197 (2004).
- S. E. Keller and C. R. E. de Oliveira, Two-Dimensional C5G7 MOX Fuel Assembly Benchmark Calculations using the FEM-PN Code EVENT, Prog. Nucl. Energy, 45, 255 (2004).
- E.D. Aydin, C. R. E. de Oliveira and A. J. H. Goddard, A finite element-spherical harmonics radiation transport model for photon migration in turbid media, J. Quant. Spect. & Rad. Transf., 84, 247 (2003).
- C. C. Pain, J. V. Herwanger, J. H. Saunders, M. H. Worthington and C. R. E. de Oliveira, Anisotropic Resistivity Inversion, Inverse Problems, 19, 1081 (2003).
Teaching Interests
- Interaction of Radiation with Matter
- Nuclear Reactor Physics
- Applied Numerical Methods
Research Interests
- Applied Computational Radiation Transport
- High Performance Computing
- Nuclear Reactor Physics
- Advanced Numerical Solution Methods
- Multiphysics Simulations
- Optimization and Data Assimilation