Anil K Prinja
Phone: (505) 277-4600
Fax: (505) 277-5433
Physical Address
Farris Engineering Center
Mailing Address
01 1120
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D. Queen Mary College, Univeristy of London, Nuclear Engineering, 1980
B.Sc. "First Class Honors" Queen Mary College, Univeristy of London, Nuclear Engineering, 1976
Professor Prinja has over 25 years of experience in teaching and research at UNM and UCLA, covering theory and computational methods applied to nuclear energy, radiation interaction with matter, and nuclear fusion. He has an Affiliate appointment at Los Alamos National Laboratory and has strong collaborative ties with Sandia National Laboratories as well with a host of national and international universities. Professor Prinja is very active in the American Nuclear Society, having served as Chair of the Mathematics and Computations Division, and was elected Fellow of the American Nuclear Society in 2003. He is the 2013-14 Chair of the Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization.
Professional Experience
- 2006 - Present: Associate Director, Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology (CNNST), School of Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 2002- Present: Associate Chair, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1999- Present: Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (Secondary Appointment) • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1995- Present: Professor, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1989- 1995: Associate Professor, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1987 - 1989: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering • University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
- 1980-87: Assistant/Associate Research Engineer, Mechanical, Aerospace & Nuclear Engineering Department • UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Selected Publications:
- A.K. Prinja and E.W. Larsen, Principles of Neutron Transport, Handbook of Nuclear Engineering, D.G. Cacuci (Ed.), Springer (Spring 2010).
- E.D. Fichtl, J.S.Warsa, and A.K. Prinja, Krylov Iterative Methods and Synthetic Acceleration for Transport in Binary Statistical Media, Journal of Computational Physics (submitted).
- E.W. Larsen and A.K. Prinja, A New Derivation of Akcasu's MLP Equations for 1-D Particle Transport in Stochastic Media,'' Annals of Nuclear Energy, 35, 620 (2008).
- A.K. Prinja and E.D. Fichtl, Atomic Mix Synthetic Acceleration Of Dose Computations In Binary Statistical Media, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 156, 441 (2007).
- J.E. Morel, A.K. Prinja, J.M. McGhee, T.A. Wareing, and B.C. Franke, A Discretization Scheme for the Three-Dimensional Angular Fokker-Planck Operator, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 156, 154 (2007).
- A.K. Prinja and G.L. Olson, Grey Radiative Transfer in Binary Statistical Media with Material Temperature Coupling: Asymptotic Limits, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 90, 131 (2005).
- A.K. Prinja, On the Master Equation Approach to Transport in Discrete Random Media in the Presence of Scattering, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 31, 2005 (2004).
Teaching Interests
- Neutron and Reactor Physics
- Radiation Transport
- Applied Mathematics
Research Interests
- High Energy Charged Particle Transport
- Modeling Stochastic Neutron and Photon Populations With Application to Fast Burst Reactors and Nuclear Nonproliferation
- Stochastic Techniques for Uncertainty Quantification in Nuclear Systems
- Reduced Order Physics Models and Algorithms for High Energy Charged Particle Transport
Center/Laboratory/Program Affiliations
- Secondary Appointment " Math