Adam Hecht
Phone: (505) 277-1654
Physical Address
Farris Engineering Center
Mailing Address
MSC 01 1120
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Department of Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D. Yale University Physics, 2004
M.Phil. Yale University Physics, 2001
M.S. Yale University Physics, 1998
B.S. University of California, Irvine Physics, 1997
Adam Hecht has been a professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of New Mexico since 2008 doing research on radiation detection and simulations in service of nuclear nonproliferation. Previous research experience was in heavy ion accelerator experiments at Yale and Argonne National Laboratory, and medical physics simulations and experiment at the University of Wisconsin.
Professional Experience
- 2022 - present: Professor of Nuclear Engineering, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
- 2014 - 2022: Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
- 2008 - 2014: Assistant Professor of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
- 2011 - present: Codirector of the Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology (CNNST) at UNM
- 2007-2008: Research Associate in the Department of Medical Physics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
- 2004-2007: Research Associate through University of Maryland, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
Teaching Interests
- Radiation Interactions with Matter
- Radiation Detection and Characterization
- External Dosimetry
- Safeguards and nonproliferation
Research Interests
- Radiation Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation
- Fission Fragment Measurement Experiments
- Fission Fragment Signature Monte Carlo Simulations
- Novel Material Detector Development
- Radiation Detection Data Mining
- Environmental Sample Radiation Assay including Bioassay
Center/Laboratory/Program Affiliations
- SPIDER collaboration, LANSCE-Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Developing UNM Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology (CNNST)
- Faculty advisor for UNM Institute of Nuclear Materials Managment (INMM) student group
- Participating in INL Academic Center of Excellence