Experience Nuclear Engineering 2020
“Experience Nuclear Engineering 2020” is a two-week, residential summer camp offered July 19-August 1, 2020 at UNM Main Campus, hosted by the Nuclear Engineering Department, with competitive admission for twenty high school students (age 15 or older by July 19, 2020).
The role of Nuclear Engineering in the modern world
Nuclear engineering is a broad field that impacts everyone. Many people already know that nuclear power is a major source of low-carbon electricity, and plenty of nuclear engineers work in the nuclear power industry. But did you know that nuclear engineers work on the forefronts of medicine, space exploration, and nuclear fusion research? Nuclear engineers also provide crucial support for foreign policy relating to nuclear weapons and their proliferation, and they work on high-tech materials, particle accelerators, robotics, and computer programming.
Nuclear engineers are STEM professionals in high demand, and NE careers are rewarding and well-compensated. Are you a high school student who might be interested in nuclear technology? Please consider coming to UNM for "Experience Nuclear Engineering 2020". This camp will give you an unprecedented window into this rewarding discipline and, of course, we hope will encourage you to continue your education as a future nuclear engineer!
Why ENE2020?
- Hands-on focus
- Build your own unique projects designed by UNM faculty and students and keep them
- College preparatory
- Residential
- Use university labs and research tools
- Get academic credit (1 credit hour for successful completion)
- Location, location, location
- New Mexico is central to the history of nuclear technology (2 national labs, Manhattan Project, etc.)
- Uranium geology
- New Mexico is beautiful!
- Networking
- Learn from and live with current NE students, including members of our Glasstone Award-winning American Nuclear Society student chapter
- Visiting presenters from regional national laboratories, etc.