Nuclear Criticality Safety @ UNM

Since 1973, The University of New Mexico (UNM) through the Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department has offered a variety of short courses and workshops in Nuclear Criticality Safety. In 1991 we became a bit more formal and decided the group of us working on the courses would be called the Nuclear Criticality Safety Group (NCSG).

Our goal is to try and expand our offerings with work towards getting more research projects in the area of computational methods and NCS. The NCSG has provided workshops in Albuquerque and on-site at Oak Ridge, INL, Rocky Flats, and Sellafield, UK. We have also done research in the areas of computational methods, minimum critical mass, spent fuel storage, and reactor kinetics. In addition, many of you have read and used our primers on MCNP, DANTSYS, and KENO. Over the course of the years, this work was done by a small number of graduate and undergraduate students at UNM. The members change frequently as they graduate and get jobs in the nuclear industry.

NCS Courses offered

NCS Manager's Workshop: July 8-10, 2025
NCS Short Course: July 14-18, 2025

Registering for Albuquerque NCS Workshop & Course
Credit card payment only
Register online

For information about Workshop/Short Course Content, email Carl Willis,

For logistics information about the Workshop/Short Course, email Yvone Nelson,